Character Aesthetic #2

The MMC has arrived.

Character Aesthetic #2

Now that I have your attention:

Signed And Maybe They Fall In Love Books!! (Going away this Saturday!)

Okay, okay, now to the character aesthetic.

Tyler Auden!

Tyler is Caroline’s love interest in Maybe Book 2. He’s introduced in And Maybe They Fall In Love, but he doesn’t get much screen time until the second book in my interconnected standalone duology.

What we DO know about him:

  • Tall. Very, very tall

  • Loves to write

  • Loves video games

  • Is incredibly calm/mellow

  • Not super happy with his home life

  • Comfortable letting his dreams go instead of risking it all to pursue them

Sound interesting? Stay tuned for more about Book 2!

Other Updates

I’m working with an artist to provide new character art for Tyler and Caroline, and it should be done soon.

I still haven’t started Tali’s Book 2 — mostly because school’s almost here, and I don’t want to be distracted from teaching by a writing project. My hope is to write it this winter.

Here’s a note from Tali’s Book 2’s “vibes” document, though:

He’s immortal and she’s human but she’s a lot more mature and he’s got a man bun and she’s got a motorcycle and he’s REALLY SAD

Caroline’s book should have a title reveal pretty soon, and I’ll get to start sharing cover design updates in September! Until then, make sure to follow me on Kickstarter and give this book the welcome it deserves!

Watching: Quarterback

Reading: Where Darkness Dwells by Andrea Renae

Listening to: The Atomless podcast (not family-friendly, but I want to get into RPG and they’re entertaining, so here we are)

Supporting: Addison Horner’s Kickstarter

Next Up: My School Year Game Plan (and why my summer plan was so different)

Don’t forget to read And Maybe They Fall In Love if you haven’t already!