52 No-Spice Fantasy Reads Available Now


I bear exciting news!

For TODAY ONLY, you can read And Maybe They Fall In Love for FREE on Kindle…along with 52 other amazing titles!

Just visit this website and browse the amazing selection from Young Adult, New Adult, and Adult fantasy writers from all over the genre!

Some of my favorite authors are participating in this event, including Alli Earnest and RJ Setser! You don’t want to miss out.

The event started yesterday, and And Maybe They Fall In Love has already reached over 1200 new readers and shot up to #14 in Contemporary Romance on the Kindle Store!! I’m so excited to see what Day 2 can bring!

I’m enjoying this chance to return to hyping the Maybes, and it’s so fun to see Elle finding new readers. After today, though, it’s back to all ALL FOR MAGE AND MELODY as we start the final stretch of preparing for the Kickstarter in March!

Here are a few Kickstarters to watch out for: