May Author Stats

IWHBAGS Release, Series Drafting, Sticky Notes, and More!

May Author Stats

It Would Have Been A Great Story

My second book is OUT! It Would Have Been A Great Story is available to read, rate, and review! I’ve loved getting feedback from readers over the past two weeks, and I can’t wait to see this book find more people who need the reminder: you are never too broken to be loved.

Buy It Would Have Been A Great Story
  • Amazon! (Also Amazon reviews are super helpful!)

  • Barnes and Noble 


  • Or respond to this email to get a personalized signed copy! Locals can also buy hardcovers at local events (the next one is June 14 at Moody Family Wines!)

Rate It Would Have Been A Great Story
  • Goodreads (awesome for reaching new readers!)

  • Amazon (I don’t love it, but it’s part of the biz)

  • Social media (please don’t tag me if it’s a negative review!)

This is one of my favorite posts about It Would Have Been A Great Story so far! Ashley also has a fantastic review up on her page. It’s so cute!!

Wear It Would Have Been A Great Story
  • SHIRTS. I know I said this last month, but…



Listen to It Would Have Been A Great Story
  • No, this isn’t an audiobook announcement. But JUNE 14, ALL SIX MAYBEVERSE SONGS will be available to stream on Spotify!! You can listen to the first two here 🙂 

  • June 14, I’ll be with Tommi Jo at Moody Family Wines as she performs all six songs and I sell books. If you’re local, we’d love to see you drop by!


I‘m 130 pages into my Space Goats work-in-progress, and I’m setting it aside for now. I still love it, but I chose to work on that story when I needed it, and that time has thankfully passed for now.

Instead, I began drafting Book 4 of Tali’s series! This is my next Maybeverse project, and I’m so excited to bring Tali and Melody’s story to everyone. I will say, there’s a POV in this book that I never would’ve seen coming a few months ago…and it’s been so fun to explore! Currently, we’re sitting at about 6k.

I’ve never written a series before, and it has proven to be…daunting, to say the least. However, this weekend I did something fun to get the connections out of my head and into the real world, and it’s made me feel VASTLY better about the series!

Behold, the Board of Chaos! Blurred for secrecy purposes


May 4

We had so much fun at the Winnsboro Book Fest! RJ Setser and I sold books together next to a new-to-me local author, Michelle Massie! Her books are lower YA portal fantasy, and I’m a few pages into the first one. It’s so good!

May 18

The day after It Would Have Been A Great Story’s official release, I visited Big Shot Coffee for a launch party! We had a Maggie-themed drink, coloring sheets, and lots of fun Iowa Bags activities!

June 14

Tommi Jo and I will be at Moody Family Wines June 14! She’ll be playing the whole Maybeverse EP, and I will have books to sell!

July 26-27

I will be a panelist at the Texas Author Con this summer! Along with other authors, I’ll share my experiences with Kickstarter and writing romance at a two-day event in Richardson, TX.

August 10

It’s time to head back to Greenville! I’ll be returning to W. Walworth Harrison Public Library in August from 9-11 AM for a repeat of my favorite author event from last year! Seriously, if you’re in the area, this is such a fun and engaging community of authors! You won’t want to miss it.

What I Read This Month

I’ve learned that I can’t read over the school year. BUT! Now that school is out and summer is here, I’m able to read again, and it’s been amazing! Here’s a wrapup of what I’ve read in the last week of May:

Fog Crest came out YESTERDAY, and Earthbound ARCs are available right now, too! Just contact Katee for more info on those!

I’m looking forward to another month full of reading, writing, and exciting book events!